Your mission
War Child works to improve the psychosocial well-being of children affected by conflict. We empower children in everything we do, working to tap into their inner strength through our creative and engaging approach. Our mission is to protect, educate, and stand up for the rights of children living through and recovering from war. We deliver vital child protection, education, and psychosocial support to help children rebuild their lives.
War Child is currently implementing a project funded by OCHA aimed at meeting the urgent needs of children and their caregivers in war-affected communities of Ukraine. This project focuses on providing life-saving information and assistance, and ensuring dignified access to quality child protection, education, and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services. Localized and community-based approaches will be deployed, focusing on addressing trauma, distress, and child protection risks in community, kindergarten, and school settings.
Key Activities and Deliverables
Key activities and deliverables for this consultancy include:
- Coordination of data collection in 5 target locations.
- Cooperation with MEAL Officer to analyze the data.
- Elaboration of the results of the assessment and recommendations based on the context.
- Consolidation of five reports, one for each of the 5 target locations.
- Organization of a focus group discussion with professionals and other stakeholders including disability experts and members of the National Assembly of People with Disabilities.
- Incorporation of insights from the focus group discussion into final report.