Yesterday rather than today
If there is one problem that calls for greater international cooperation and solidarity, it is climate change. Action is needed, preferably yesterday rather than today. People in the global South already face persistent drought, flooding and livelihood insecurity.
Taking responsibility
In tackling climate change, countries like the Netherlands must take responsibility for their significant emissions of greenhouse gases, now and in the past. That means: reducing their emissions as quickly as possible but also supporting other countries in doing so. Where irreversible damage has already been done, people must be allowed to adapt to a changing climate and build a new life. Damage and loss due to climate change must also be compensated.
Climate finance
Shuffling existing money is not enough. This enormous threat to people and the planet requires additional financial resources. Internationally it has been agreed that these resources will be added on top of the current development budget, but unfortunately, the Netherlands is not yet adhering to this. That is why Partos advocates extra climate funding for the most vulnerable countries.
What do we do?
With the Partos lobby group, we are making a case for equitable climate policies. With Building Change, we are committed to reducing the negative Dutch impact on nature and climate in the global South.