Whoever you are, wherever you live, we all live together in one world, with many common interests. We want to be healthy, feel safe, live a decent life and pass on our earth to future generations.
Every human being has the right to the same fair opportunities for a good life and a liveable earth. Unfortunately, many people do not get those opportunities now. Because our times bring great challenges. Challenges that are interconnected and affect us all. Poverty, climate crisis, migration, oppression. In the process, we see that people in other countries often have a particularly difficult time. Together, we want to change that!
The power of cooperation
The challenges are greater than ever, but we believe in the power of cooperation. That is why we take action together for less poverty, more justice and a better climate. Everyone in the Netherlands can actively contribute. In your own way. As an individual, through the choices you make as a consumer and through your political voice. Or through supporting social movements or expert development organisations.
With years of knowledge and experience, we as Dutch development organisations, together with our partners, achieve tangible results that give hope for the future. With better living conditions for people and opportunities for nature.
From the Netherlands, we can further increase our impact in the world if we work together. With citizens, government, businesses and science. Because together we are strong.
Join us! For a fair, just and sustainable world.
The impact of development cooperation
Development cooperation stands for a broad package of activities, policies and strategies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And with results! Globally, poverty has been halved since 1990. As a result, fewer people are malnourished, more are educated and employed. Meanwhile, 90% of children in poor countries attend primary school. Malaria and tuberculosis have been halted. And 2.3 billion people worldwide have clean drinking water. Together, we can create a fair, just and sustainable world with opportunities for all!
Impact stories
Curious about the stories behind various programmes of development organisations and their partners? Check out their stories below!
Impact story 1: Message in the music
Impact story 2: Meet your impact!
Impact Story 3: Tracking the Girls
Results deployment from Dutch development budget
Results report year 2022 – Source:
- 2.4 million children and young people with improved access to education
- 30,000 young people with enhanced skills
- 65,000 teachers retrained
Humanitarian aid
- 14 million people receive emergency aid through support from UN, Red Cross and Dutch Relief Alliance
- 63 crisis experts NL deployed
- € 520 million made available by the Netherlands for humanitarian action
- 3.4 million people access to renewable energy
- 4.3 million hectares of forest sustainably managed
- 10.6 million farmers support climate-resilient production
Women’s rights & gender equality
- 1212 civil society organisations with strengthened capacity to promote women’s rights and gender equality
- 428 successful attempts to influence laws and regulations
- 40,888 people with strengthened capacity
Food security
- 32 million people eliminate malnutrition, especially children and mothers
- 10.6 million small-scale farmers sustainably increase productivity
- 0.7 million hectares of sustainable farmland
- Over 5 million people access improved water source
- Nearly 4 million people access improved sanitation facilities
- Nearly 1 million people benefit from improved watershed management and safe deltas
Curious about more results? Read more here
Recap – Unlocking Climate Finance: the Role of Civil Society in promoting Accountability and Accessibility on a National Level
Launch of the new Power Awareness Tool
Recap of the session on Participatory Storytelling
Blog Liana Hoornweg | Partos 20 years
Recap: Racial Justice & Holding Space Workshop with Aminata Cairo Ph.D
Cabinet abandons civil society actors worldwide
Recap: Knowledge Cafe | Sustainable business practices for NGOs: from good intentions to concrete results
Blog Liana Hoornweg | Barren times, how do you navigate them?
Recap training: Reflective M&E and Learning Dialogues
New Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trajectory in 2024