Overview of Shared Services
Click below to get straight to the Shared Service you’re looking for, or scroll down to see all.
- Hiring workers abroad
- 24/7 Gimd telephone helpline
- Discount on group health insurance for your employees
- Translations via Acolad
- Partos’ political monitoring: know what’s going on in The Hague
- CIBT visa services
- Business travel insurance through AON
- Duty travel with Diversity Travel
- Legal, tax and notarial services through preferred suppliers
- AVG roadmap
- Model Assignment Agreement
- Discount on De Nieuwe Gevers season ticket
- Labour across borders and international employment
- Partos job board
Hiring workers abroad
Dutch NGOs are increasingly hiring staff outside the Netherlands. This comes with challenges, as they often do not have a legal entity in the countries where they hire these staff. Some NGOs conclude a consultancy agreement, others an employment contract under Dutch law and still others an agreement through an Employer of Record. In addition, many NGOs lack the capacity and knowledge to conclude agreements that meet the labour law, tax and social security requirements in the countries where the employee works or lives.
Employer of Record
With the help of Nedworc Foundation, we managed to make arrangements with Papaya Global, an agency that operates in many different countries. Through that agency, you can have employees remunerated abroad. Partos members pay $500 per employee per month. This is a $125 discount on the usual rate and is an ALL-IN fee. So there are no additional costs.
Want more information or to request a quote? Then send an e-mail to Mariska Keizer.
Manual ‘Contracting outside the Netherlands’
The manual ‘Contracting outside the Netherlands’ (downloadable in English and Dutch) provides clarity and frameworks so that the right choice can be made for each situation. Download here the guideline ‘Contracting outside the Netherlands’
24/7 Gimd telephone helpline
Currently, so much is happening in the world that it is not surprising that more and more people are becoming unbalanced. These complaints can lead to reduced quality of work or even cause people to drop out.
24/7 help with the Gimd telephone helpline
Partos members can use a preventive tool: the telephone helpline for their employees. This helpline is available 24/7 for employees facing high-impact events. This need not necessarily be work-related; employees can also call for private problems. These can therefore call the helpline at any time of the day and tell their story directly to a professional. Based on your employee’s question, the professional advises which form of counselling is most appropriate. Any referral is always made in consultation with the employee and, if necessary, with the company doctor or with you as the employer. You can think about a follow-up process with a company social worker.
How does it work?
You take out an annual subscription with the Gimd and then get a special phone number that is available 24/7. As a Partos member, you get a 10% discount on rates. An annual subscription then costs €231,50 and the hourly rate is €175,50.
More information
More information can be found in the enclosed brochure (in Dutch). For further questions or to take out a subscription, please call 088 – 800 85 00 or email info@gimd.nl.
Discount on group health insurance for your employees
Through the health insurance collective for Goede Doelen Nederland of Alpina (formerly Heilbron), employees and volunteers of Partos members and their families benefit from discounts on basic and supplementary insurances with several health insurers. It costs nothing at all and offers great benefits for the organisation and employees. And in many cases, employees do not even have to switch insurers, as there are seven health insurers in the collective.
Benefits for employees and volunteers
- Free, independent and no-obligation health insurance advice;
- Comparison module with which the current health insurance package can be compared to the packages within the Charity Netherlands health insurance collective;
- 24/7 telephone helpdesk;
- Cancellation service for current insurance;
- New health insurance arranged easily and quickly, online or by telephone;
- Tracking application process and managing policies.
Advantages for Partos members
- Fixed account manager;
- On-site consultations for employees;
- Administrative support;
- Waiting list mediation by the care desk;
- Support with reintegration and investigating de-duplication of care costs;
- Mediation in discussions with the health insurer regarding claim rejections or requests for leniency payments, among others.
Member benefit
You can request the agreements made by Alpina for 2025 from us.
Translations via Acolad
As of 1 April 2017, Translation Agency Acolad (formerly Livewords and Concorde)based Amstelveen is part of Partos’ Shared Services offering. This means that all Partos members can have texts translated by Acolad at a favourable rate. This way, there is no need to explore the market yourself for every translation assignment. The framework contract came about at the request of several members. In addition to the favourable rates, members have one permanent project manager, translations are always done by native speakers, and there is a correction by a second reader.
Partos' political monitoring: know what's going on in The Hague
Always up to date with politics in The Hague on development issues? With the help of the Partos Political Monitor, we enable Partos members to be well-informed about what is happening throughout the year. This way, you are always informed and can optimise your lobby. Subscribers receive a weekly update by e-mail containing a selection of relevant parliamentary papers and news items, including a brief interpretation. We also make regular reports of debates, and the mailing contains a political agenda. In addition, there is the online monitoring system, monitor.partos.nl, a database that allows you to search and read back all articles. Relevant pieces are also categorised by party and theme, so you can quickly find what you are looking for. Are you a member and want to sign up for this service? Read more here! This service is only available in Dutch.
CIBT visa services
Regulate your visa and legalisation applications inexpensively through CIBT Visas, one of the most successful contracts within Shared Services. Many members use it, probably because the discounts here are high.As a Partos member, you get a discount on CIBT Visas’ mediation rates. You save the cost of a travel agent and registration with CIBT Visas is free of charge.If you would like to register with CIBT Visas, you can send an email to Mariska Keizer.
Business travel insurance through AON
Partos has entered into an agreement with AON-Hewitt regarding business travel insurance. The coverage here is tailored to the specific risks faced by members in their operations. With this agreement, global coverage has been arranged, covering countries with heightened travel advice as well as crisis areas. The insurance additionally covers various elements related to security, including cover for kidnapping and for political evaluation. The cover is automatically extended against molest (damage in case of disturbances) around the world. To request a quote directly, please contact ngo@aon.nl.
Duty travel with Diversity Travel
In the area of business travel, you can save a lot, travel is often a common aspect of work for development organisations. For business travel, there is the Diversity Travel-Partos framework contract. Diversity Travel was chosen based on their comprehensive Duty of Care programme and the high score it achieved on our quality and transparency criteria.
Legal, tax and notarial services through preferred suppliers
Partos has obtained special rates and conditions for its members from a number of companies, thus creating a list preferred suppliers in legal and notarial services. Collectively, this gives Partos members a significant discount. The advantage of preferred suppliers is also that these companies know the sector well and you do not have to explain everything all over again. Some of these preferred suppliersare: Vijverberg lawyers, Pels Rijcken, VAT Plaza and Mazars. These agencies help with all kinds of matters, each from their own specialisation. These include rules on amendments to articles of association, donations, drafting and reviewing employment contracts, reorganisations and liability.
AVG roadmap
The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) sets strict requirements for handling personal information, of your employees and of your customers. Those who fail to comply can face heavy fines. The law requires a best-efforts obligation. That means you have to be able to prove that you have done everything possible to ensure privacy. In practice, that means: ICT systems in order, security of computers and phones, signing contracts with third parties on data sharing, establishing who in the organisation is allowed to see and handle personal data and instructing all staff members.
Every organisation must comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). How do you ensure this? Everything that the law expects from you, Foundation AVG for Associations has summarised for you in a step-by-step plan that will help you properly implement the AVG legislation in your business. Each step in the plan has a video and clear explanations. The programme was developed in cooperation with associations and legal experts. The benefits for you:
- Quickly and easily AVG-proofed!
- An explanatory video for each step
- A training video for everyone in the organisation
- AVG declaration (to show that you have done everything)
- Always free updates
- Sample legal documents
- Data breach roadmap
- First-line legal helpdesk at your service
Member benefit
AVG Programme has a special member rate, where the discount can be up to 50%. The exact cost is based on your staff size. Our members can sign up via AVG-support.nl and then the “Get Started Immediately” button. Under the question “Are you affiliated with an association or membership organisation?”, enter “Partos”, and you will immediately receive the discount.
Model Assignment Agreement
Partos has received a new 5-year approval from the Tax Office since December 2021 for a model Engagement Agreement for the benefit of Partos members. If you are interested in this, you can request it from Mariska Keizer.
Discount on De Nieuwe Gevers season ticket
De Nieuw Gevers supports civil society organisations in areas such as marketing, communication, design and strategy. They do this by connecting them with professionals who voluntarily want to support civil society organisations with their skills & expertise. These include strategists, designers, copywriters, photographers and videographers, online marketers and communication specialists. Through The New Gevers, a subscription allows you to make unlimited use of these professionals for a year. Partos members get a 10% discount on the small subscription and 25% on the large subscription. Already have a subscription with The New Gevers? Then you’ll get the discount when you renew the subscription.
Labour across borders and international employment
Employing workers abroad is common in the development cooperation industry. These cases are often complex, very different from each other, and require up-to-date expertise. Exterus is an independent firm that advises and supports employers and employees dealing with cross-border labour and international employment. Partos has reached price agreements with Exterus, offering 20% to 25% discounts for Partos members.
Partos job board
Partos has a job board for its supporters, where members can promote and share their vacancies. Sharing vacancies through the Partos job board ensures the targeted targeting of new employees looking for work within the development industry. Post your own vacancy here.