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The 7 benefits for members

In mutual trust, Partos connects, strengthens, renews and represents its members for effective development cooperation. How? Read below in which ways you can benefit from the Partos membership. 


Representing your interests and representing your organisation in various areas

Partos represents your organisation on various forums. Your interests are actively promoted; in politics in The Hague, in European circles as well as on global platforms and in the media. 


Your organisation benefits from shared knowledge and from developing its own knowledge

With a Partos membership, your organisation will receive support in improving effectiveness and efficiency. This can be done by strengthening the knowledge and learning capacity of your organisation, of the industry as a whole and by stimulating innovation.


Your organisation professionalises thanks to training courses and meetings

As a member of Partos, you have access to a diverse range of training sessions, meetings, courses and networking opportunities, which offer opportunities to further professionalise through knowledge sharing and support. Check out the Partos events page for past and upcoming events. 


Via Partos you generate greater effectiveness through joint policy influencing

By promoting joint interests and influencing policy towards the public, private sector and politics, the effectiveness of shared initiatives are greater and fragmentation of the message of the development sector is prevented. 


Working together to improve the image of development cooperation

A good image of development cooperation is of great importance and automatically affects your own organisation. Joint campaigns strengthen the way the sector is perceived. 


Via Partos you have access to a wide network of organisations

With more than a hundred members (and the thousands of people who work there) you are part of a large association. Partos has access to a wide network (companies, government, etc.) that you can make use of to connect, strengthen and renew your organisation. Through the many meetings Partos offers, matchmaking takes place, contacts are made, problems are shared, and solutions are sought. 


Significant savings thanks to Partos' Shared Services

From business trips to media monitoring and fixed telephony. As a member of Partos, your organisation can benefit from a range of services at very reasonable costs and conditions, saving you time and money. 


Partos 9001

The Partos 9001 has been developed by a Partos working group of quality managers as the most adequate application of ISO 9001 for development organisations.

With this Partos 9001 certificate on top of the ISO certification, you can qualify for a generally applicable exemption for the Organizational Risk and Integrity Assessment of the Ministry (formerly COCA).

We believe that cooperation and connection are necessary for both people and nature to flourish. Nature is not separate from humans, but is an integral and inseparable part of nature. We also see this need for cooperation and connection among Partos and all its members. So it is with great confidence that we, as WWF-NL, look forward to doing our part in this.
Together works when we as international aid organisations actually succeed in complementing each other on our important and topical issues, using our own competencies and strengths for the benefit of common goals. Then we rise above the boundaries of our own organisation, however small or large, and actually work on what is needed globally for a hopeful and just world.
World Vision
Working together for us means connection and there is a reason it is one of our core values as an organisation. Whether it concerns soccer players, coaches, volunteers, fans, clubs, communities or partners. It means having conversations as a team, sharing knowledge and experiences, innovating together to advance the experience and societal power.
KNVB WorldCoaches