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IATI is de internationale standaard voor het openbaar beschikbaar maken van projectinformatie in de ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Het is een internationaal initiatief waarbij donororganisaties, overheden en ngo’s samenwerken om de transparantie en openheid van ontwikkelingssamenwerking te verbeteren. Partos heeft met haar Open Data programma voor IATI-implementatie (2013-2015) een groot aantal organisaties bereikt en levert vandaag de dag nog steeds een bijdrage aan het draagvlak voor en kennis over IATI. 

Sinds januari 2016 is publicatie aan de hand van IATI verplicht voor alle organisaties die subsidie ontvangen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Om organisaties te ondersteunen heeft het ministerie zelf een helpdesk ingericht. Partos blijft de ervaringen van organisaties met het publiceren van IATI monitoren en faciliteert waar nodig collegiale uitwisseling.

About IATI

Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone. Open Data is the movement to improve the availability and access, the re-usability and redistribution of information and the universal access to the information. This could range from sharing the raw data behind your research rapports to publishing your project information in the IATI standard.

What is IATI?

IATI is the international set of rules to publish and exchange information about development aid. Because of the agreement of the way we publish our information the information become’s re-usable. Organisations now publishing use it to fuel their website, visualise information, build management dashboards, create track records and inform internal stakeholders. 

Why Implement IATI for your organisation?

  • Improving communication about projects.
    IATI provides another channel and an opportunity for you to inform a global audience/ the general public about the ambition and successes of your interventions.
  • Improving internal Organisational processes and systems.
    Publishing to IATI helps organisations to identify quality issues within their organisation’s data, and gives a better understanding of this information throughout the organisation. In the end, this means a more transparent and efficient process.
  • Improve collaboration with other NGOs.
    IATI makes it easy to visualize project information from different actors. As such, it is easy to see who does what where. With this information, NGOs can jointly improve the effectiveness of their work and find collaboration that they would not have previously thought of.
  • Addressing political pressures.
    Transparency and openness are now central to policy discussions in government, and IATI is a way of delivering on commitments to openness and improving accountability. The IATI standard will be the main reporting structure for the ‘Strategische partnerschappen’ of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This development means a demarcation from the previous reporting structure where top-down monitoring structures and log frames were commonplace. IATI will instead allow you to use your own intervention logic and sterring information to report to various donors.
  • Why is IATI important for Developing Countries?
    Developing countries face huge challenges in accessing up-to-date information about aid – information that they need to plan and manage those resources effectively. Similarly, citizens in developing countries and in donor countries lack the information they need to hold their governments accountable for use of those resources. IATI aims to address this by making information about aid spending easier to access, use and understand.

IATI training materials

At Partos, we started with our IATI training programme in May 2013 with a support programme for Dutch NGOs. Central in our approach is a focus on high-quality data sets and the practical uses of IATI data for individual organisations. For this support, we have developed and are developing tools that help organisation structure their IATI process. This page is meant to share some of those learnings with anyone who might need it.

Together with Rolf Kleef, we have developed a new implementation schedule. The renewed implementation schedule helps organisations to structure their IATI implementation process along four main steps. Starting to publish, planning to publish, data mapping and getting ready to publish. The Partos training programme is structured along the lines of these steps.

A framework for an IATI business case

For NGO leadership to understand the costs and benefits of investing in IATI compatible reporting, a framework for an IATI business case was developed by Accenture Strategy developed in cooperation with Caroline Kroon (DataOpeners), Jan Til (Plan Netherland s ), Josje Spierings (, Leo Stolk (Oxfam Novib), Marten Schoonman (, Mika Välitalo (Plan Finland), Roderick Besseling (Cordaid) and Sarah Johns (Bond). You are free to use both the framework and template.