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[EN] Innovation Hub Nieuws

Recap | Kick-off Event Partos Data and Digitalisation Community of Practice

On the 26th of September the kick-off event of Data and Digitalisation took place, addressing the topic ‘Preparing and ​transforming your organisation for ​the digital age’. The online session was co-facilitated by four members of the Partos Data & Digitalisation CoP: Data4Development & Wilde Ganzen, AKVO, SNV BRILHO Energy Mozambique and RNW Media. Together with around 35 participants from a variety of non-profit organizations, we engaged in a collective brainstorming to identify opportunities and potential challenges in the use of emerging digital trends in our projects and programs.  

Did you miss it? Read the recap below and watch the recording to catch the main take-aways of the session. 

24 oktober 2023

First part of the session 

Partos started the session by explaining their agenda on data & digitalisation. After that, the framework of the session was introduced by Ines Lesiré from AKVO: the Data Cycle. The Data Cycle is a methodology used to gather the best data and digital solution for an organisation’s programme. Next, all participants brainstormed about the challenges & needs in the use of digital trends in their programs via the miro board. 

Case presentations

After the first part of the session, the organisations Data4Development & Wilde Ganzen, AKVO, SNV BRILHO Energy Mozambique and RNW Media pitched their case studies related to a specific part of the data cycle in which they gave inspirational examples of experimenting with new ways of applying and engaging with digital technology such as AI, Open Source solutions or data ecosystem analysis. 

Case 1: Design – Data4Development & Wilde Ganzen   

Wilde Ganzen has the ambition of becoming more data-driven in its decision-making, monitoring, meeting data needs and data accessibility. The design session took us through key takeaways from their journey to make the nonprofit more data-driven. Some highlights: 

  • Catch and address data overload early. 
  • Close gaps with a solid organisation-wide Theory of Change.   
  • Build a cross-departmental data team. 
  • Promote data accessibility and literacy. 

As we saw great interest in this topic throughout the event, we are following up with an info pack containing the session slides with key takeaways, as well as some materials on the different ways in which D4D helps nonprofit organisations become more data-driven. Interested in learning more? Reach out directly to 

Case 2: Data capture – AKVO

AKVO tries to empower citizens and their governments to become data driven so that they can solve complex problems in water, agriculture, and climate.​ Francis Warui from AKVO Kenya and Abdoulaye Rabdo from AKVO Burkina Faso presented their experiences around data collection in the field. Both challenges as well as solutions were discussed including innovative remote data collection experiences on how to collect data in fragile settings. Subsequently, an interactive discussion followed with the participants of which a few key messages can be found on the Miro dashboard. 

Case 3: Understand – SNV BRILHO Energy Mozambique

SNV’s BRILHO Energy project aims to support Mozambique to reach SDG7: universal access to sustainable energy by 2030. The 5 year project is designed with a market-based approach to catalyse Mozambique’s energy market of Improved Cooking Solutions, Solar Home Systems and Green Mini Grids. The break-out session discussed the creation of an impact dashboard to monitor progress towards reaching 1.8 million Mozambicans and 17 000 Businesses with sustainable energy solutions. 

Lessons Learned: 

  • Clear Identification of the reporting needs (type of data, frequency, who will be submitting and who will be using it, visualization needs, etc); 
  • Good healthy Budget 
  • Recognizing Key stakeholders’ level of comfort and their capacity to be more technology oriented 
  • Flexibility and speed in adapting according to needs 
  • Intensity of required User Support
  • Learning need for approaches to integrate qualitative data into quantitative dashboards
Case 4: Sharing & Learn – RNW Media

RNW Media aims to accelerate the impact of young-people-centred changemakers by co-creating digital media and learning solutions based on data insights and mutual learning​. 

  • Challenge: Some users or partners wish to remain anonymous which challenges our narrative building. >RNW Media makes use of extensive partner mapping. 
  • Challenge: How to involve the affected people in decision making? >RNW media uses surveys through partners to capture the voices of young people in storytelling. 
  • Important to capture input from all parties including local partners and really engage in a process of co-creation of a storyline. Challenge: How to find right tone of voice, avoiding jargons and staying relevant to local communities perspective? Possible solution: working closer with local partners in gathering feedback. Also respondents should be aware of the purpose of the story. 
  • It is more likely to arrive at good stories of impact when they are created by a person who is familiar or has affinity with the situation. Also the interviewer will need to use inclusive ways of holding interviews. 


We ended the session with a plenary discussion, closure & evaluation in which came forward that there is a high interest in learning more about the design phase of the data cycle. Many participants found the design phase very important as data collection starts with having a good design. Other relevant topics that came forward are the need of organisations to be transparent about results and create a bottom-up effect to spread knowledge in their organisations. Questions were raised about ‘how AI can be involved in data collection’? And there was an interest to learn more about combining quantitative and qualitative data sources, and to know more about how you can share data in a meaningful way, while staying in tune with the local communities’ perspective. 

You can watch the recording of the Kick-off event.  

It is also possible to look back at the powerpoint and Miro dashboard of the session. 

Next steps

This kick-off showed that opportunities for learning & innovation are ample! From AI to inclusive and localized data management, the Data & Digitalisation Community of Practice will use the input to draft an agenda for 2024. Furthermore, Partos will continue developing & promoting the Digital Maturity Quick Scan. Do you want to join this community of practice or co-create a session with us? Send an email to &!